CycleGANをカスタマイズしたアルゴリズムを用いて、Webカメラで入力された顔画像を野菜で作られた顔に変換するという作品. 詳しい情報が見つからなかったのですが、イスラエルのアーティストグループの作品のようです。
蛇足ですが… アルチンボルド風の絵を生成する例としては、先日東京であったアルチンボルド展の「アルチンボルドメーカー」も記憶に新しいところです。
The Electronic Curator examines whether a computer can not only generate art, but also evaluate its quality. It is a dialog between two competing software pieces, representing a painter and a curator. The system repetitively generates a painting, assesses the result, and tries to improve the painting. The painter and curator are Neural Networks, fed with examples of muses and portraits, then generalize from them. The dialog between the competing networks is the artistic process (in a method named GAN). Additionally, the curator tries to understand the portrait, generates a text that describes and analyzes it, and eventually grades it.